Tax Planning

Who loves tax? Kothes Accounting Group of course!

Our chartered accounting firm lives and breathes tax. Every single day. We have to, because our businesses and clients are trying to navigate their way through one of the most complex taxation systems in the world. It is our responsibility to our clients to stay abreast of the latest tax legislation, changes that impact on you and your tax obligations and how you can minimise your tax and maximise your profits.

Because nobody wants to pay too much tax. And nobody needs the stress of not having paid the right amount of tax. And you certainly don’t need the worry of having a significant tax bill you weren’t prepared for.

That’s why tax planning is such an important part of our business. And your business.

There are so many aspects to taxation that you need to take into consideration as an individual planning for retirement, a small, medium or large business owner, a not-for-profit organisation or the owner of a company. Things to consider include:

  • Taxation of companies
  • Trusts
  • GST reporting obligations
  • Payroll tax
  • Business structure
  • Individual circumstances
  • Superannuation funds,
  • Fringe benefits tax
  • Superanuation guarantee reporting

It is important to be proactive and stay on top of it all, so you don’t have any nasty tax surprises. That’s where Kothes comes into the picture.

Everyone’s individual circumstances are different, which is why it is so important you have a close and trusted relationship with your chartered accountant. At Kothes Accounting Group we understand that attention to detail is important. We also listen to our clients, because we understand it’s important not to make assumptions. At Kothes, your accountant gets you because we know that getting the right professional advice can mean the difference between success and failure.